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CosROM X-Max Dual Data On (andromax i)

| Jumat
 (Dual Data On)

Features :

- Busybox
- NOVA Louncher
- Nexus on X-MAX Modding
- Deodexed Base Rom HS-EG909
- Solid Explorer
- SuperSU Pro include
- Universal.init.d include
- Music & Music Effect
- Play Store v4.0.25
- Fix Modem Mode
- Costum Home Screen & App Drawer
- Nexus Boot Animation
- Best Ram Management
- Auto Remove Cache after reboot
- Super Fast & Smooth
- Best Multitasking

BUG : Please Contact us if any bug!!

Special Thanks to :

1. xUltimate (Extract Base Rom HS-EG909)
2. Heri Dewasa Bangetz (Maxi Kambing Percobaan)
3. Agan Dimasiano (Macem2 Tool)
4. Mastah2 XDA Developer & Mastah2 yg gak Tertulis disini (Lupa ane)
5. Special Support : MasadHR

NB : Please don't push any tweak for ram.(Crash!!)

Install Mettod (Metode Install)

- Download X-max.Zip
- Extract & Copy XtreamMax.Zip to sdcard
- Power off maxi
- Go to CWM (press volume down + power on the same time)
- Choose install zip from sdcard
- Choose zip from sdcard
- Find and Chose file X-Max.Zip
- Chose Yes install
- Please wait for instalation complete
- Choose Back on the first screen CWM
- Choose Wipe Cache - Yes Wipe Cache
- Choose advanced
- Choose wipe dalvik cache - Yes wipe dalvik cache
- Choose Back Back on the first screen CWM
- Choose reboot system now
- reboot Progress need time 3 minutes
- Start -> Choose Not Now
- Choose Next and Type your name
- Activated init.d from Universal init.d (Include on Menu)
- Reboot -> please wait to Standby (Evdo Signal Detected)
- Open Play Store and Accept then Exit.
- Open Solid Explorer and Choose not now then Exit.
- Open again Solid Explorer press OK and Exit.
- Reboot Maxi.
- Wellcome to X-Max Rom.

Tanks for Use and Choose X-Max for your MAXI

Contact Support and voluntary donations : 08816688518
Link Download
credit by mixer\wandaws

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